
The Procrastinatr Newsletter

11+ years in content & copy (B2B & SaaS.) Divergent thinker. Coffee drinker. Till Eulenspiegel is my spirit animal.

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What's love got to do with it?

Procrastinatr February 9, 2024 A second-hand emotion? Hey Reader, This time last year, I sent a newsletter issue to 32 people. It was called Do You Believe in Life After Love, and it explored the relationship between courtly love in Dennis de Rougement's perspective and the best-selling narrative all times. I'm putting this out again, with more emphasis on how it all plays into creativity. 95 people (you included, Reader) will get this newsletter in about 45 seconds, and I just wanted to take...

Procrastinatr January 19, 2024 There are two wolves inside of you: one's telling you to eat the chocolate cake, the other one's telling you to buy the ice cream Hey Reader, I'll start off with a statement that'll either make your hair stand on end or make you want to get drinks with me and discuss the futility of existence, the Universe, and whether or not we're ever going outside of the solar system. Here we go. Ready? iPhones are not quite the best phones out there. And yet, I own one....

Procrastinatr January 12, 2024 Your brain is like a highway. If you're lucky, it's a German one. If you're not, it's a Balkan road. Hey Reader, A super short intro this time: January is a weird month. Equal parts hype and a massive disappointment, all rolled into a giant shawarma. I've been down and sick for the last couple of weeks or so. It's becoming a tradition at this point, so I won't even complain. Fun fact: "January" is derived from the Latin word "Ianuarius," which is named after the...

Procrastinatr December 8, 2023 Unpopular opinion but ↓ (Most) brainstorming sessions suck. Hey Reader, You flinch a little looking at the tiny message, on the tiny screen, in your (I’m assuming quite) tiny workspace. Probably at home, or in a coffee shop, or maybe, if you’re lucky, on a terrace looking over the sea. Your tiny, square meter of workspace fills with dread. You know you should be excited about it (heck, it’s part of why you got into this whole creative thing in the first place.)...

Procrastinatr Nov 10/11, 2023 There's a reason people don't (usually) eat chocolate covered in pounds of sugar, jam, and honey all at once. ↓ It's too much. Hey Reader, For probably the first time since I started this newsletter, I am keeping my promise and sending it (somewhat) on time. Hey, it’s still Friday somewhere. Not here, but somewhere. In sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy, writing this newsletter came with too many ideas. Because, as a self-respecting creative, I went down the...

Procrastinatr Nov 3, 2023 Embrace the weird ↓ And love it too. Hey Reader, This newsletter was supposed to go out before Halloween, then on Halloween, then on November 1st, and then I sort of lost all hope I’d get down to actually write it. It’s no short of paranormal that I am sitting down now, November 3rd, to wrap it up and push “Send.” Hopefully, it’s a bit like a Happy Birthday that comes one week late — it’s obviously, well, late, but sort of still well-received in a sort of nostalgic...

Procrastinatr Oct 23, 2023 Ladies and gentlemen, we messed up. ↓ Badly. But not unfixably. (And don't you even dare blame it on the AI.) Hey Reader, It's been a long time since you've seen this in your inbox -- but I hope you're well. I've been thinking of where to take it from here. And as I was thinking (and thinking and thinking), I realized... ...We messed up badly. We, the collective of people who use the internet. (Almost) all the 5 billion of us. OK, it was mostly marketers and...

Procrastinatr May 14, 2023 (#4) Once upon a time, in a village, a robot salt block resting on the fireplace almost killed a baby Hey there 💌 Hope you’ve been well, Reader! I’m writing this on an unusually cold Sunday evening, in May, two and a half months after my last newsletter. As much as I wanted to stay consistent with my newsletter sends, work got in the way. I hope, however, I’m still welcome in your inbox. Today, my email brings a Romanian folk tale with a twist. Read time: 5 minutes...

Procrastinatr #4 April 3, 2023 Don't fear me for fun, Reader, let me be the one, Reader ↓ Hey Reader, I hope my email finds you well (and more than that, I hope you don't want it to not find you -- like the other 86 emails you got today from work.) Procrastinatr is back. After three spectacularly successful issues, I shut the thing down and took a bit of time to think, re-position it, and decide where I want to take it. Still not sure, but, as someone smart once told me, it's always better to...

Procrastinatr February 26, 2023 (#3) You have the ball, you don't have the ball, you shoot for the gate, Reader Hey there, Reader, This email comes about three days too late — but better late than never, right? Right. Ironically, this issue is a bit like my subject line: I’m walking the plank but still shooting for the gate. I guess most beginnings are like this, and although I’ve been writing my entire life (one way or another), Procrastinatr does feel like a new beginning. And a pretty...