man in red coat

Procrastinate Smarter.

Living on the wrong side of the grind is a lot of fun.

We like to snoop around here. We turn ideas upside down and stretch them out like bubblegum. We fight them. We dance with them. We sleep with them & then shape them into Frankesteins created in the mirror of our discontempt for a society that values tasks over thinking.

But most importantly, we explore.

Join the Shackeltons of the hustle culture. The Don Quixotes fighting the windmills of regurgitated content. The brain-poking Huckleberry Finns.

The wanderers.

The rebels without a very clear cause, but [let me Google this thing and... oh wow, I didn't know this, what happens if I click on this link?]

"octavia is a writer."
--- octavia's mom, 2012-present ---


Join 45 other people I've forced to subscribe to this newsletter that explores quasi-intellectual ideas and very important questions like:

  • What's up with romance movies?
  • Why does catchy music get us?
  • Why do we like cake?
  • How come no alien has ever contacted us, if they're out there?
  • How did we invent balloons and why are they such a staple at parties?

We meet twice a month in everyone's inbox.

[Crystal ball not included.]

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.